Approved..or not??

Already done all the step that I have mentioned?? Google is quite straight …yes it true..if you are not following their term and condition, they will definitely throw you away like stone hehe.

Ok let see how would do you know whether your proposal have been approved or not. Like I said before, they will review first your blog content and it will take about 48 hour or maybe more in about 1 weak.. huh quite long right.

Never mind when you got it, you will be happy person that day (if you are still new)

While waiting at that time, they will provide you with community ads (iklan kemasyaraktan) until your adsense account have approved and then the true adsense ads will be appear.

The email will be like this if they approved your account:

Taraaa.. congratulation you are know can using them right now!!

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