Pay per lead (PPL) part 1

As we discussed before, affiliate is a program which is recruited people to become their agent to promote the product. I hope u can understand on what I have delivered to you before.. This time we will look at the product that always used in this affiliate program.

PPL is one of the products that have been used in affiliate program. This product is very easy to get because it free!! It is very easy to follow and you are also dont have to spend money to buy it.. so this will give opportunity for them especially newbie outside there to get it without any payment.

You are also can join it to become affiliate agent for this product because to promote this product to mass target audience, they need to employ you as their agent. So when you have promoted their product, what you could get from it?? I have told this before right.. you will get extra money!!

How could this program work? How could they do this without getting any money from people??

Usually PPL was organized by internet marketer which is they are having lot of money to do it. They will build minisite and also opt-in page to make the people can give their name and mail address easily. They are doing this program because to capture target audience mail in large quantity..

The mail list collected will become their target customer for the next sales whenever they want to sell a new product at the first prelaunch. The more they get the list mail, the more potential for them to sell the product… Everyone can joining this programs long as the program still not close yet.. those who take the opportunity always leading in the competition..

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